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A New Site Will Be Coming By Way of DanielS

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 26 September 2020 14:44.

Within days I will set up a website to advance the best in White advocacy/nationalism as it is known to be - a place for the resource brought to bear, for its cultivation by those who recognize the crucial value of this resource.

I will endeavor to maintain a presence at Majorityrights in order to correct any misrepresentations of my positions and to challenge any perfidy which might make its way back, hoping for my riddance.

Some may think that I might be disheartened with the marketing campaign and those beholden to it having held sway over me thus far, but it is not the case.

Some will mock me as having spent my time in futility, but I think not; especially as compared to the likes of those who spend $10,000 only to die on the side of Mt. Everest.

I have achieved what I set out to do, which is to summit (what I am satisfied to be) the most vital and necessary in theory for the advocacy of European peoples. Similar as those not understood for having undertaken a quest of Mount Everest, it was my objective. Something that I had to do. But unlike their project, mine was not so personal or futile; rather it was in service to my broad understanding and to our people (and, ok, if I am to be most honest, perhaps as much against antagonists and those who do not care - their practices which are objectionable for the destructive impact they are having upon us), and against those who time and again mislead the theoretical trail; by contrast, I have left clear maps on trail for the sovereignty of European peoples: I know that I have brought the best in truth and in depth; while some may be determined to deny this truth out of custom, habit, tradition, their prejudices or vanity - or in red caped misdirection, as I have particularly shown - all one has to do is take a look honestly at my efforts which I will carry over to the new site to be disabused of pseudo justification for antagonism to the platform which I bring to bear.

Whether the new site achieves popularity or not right away is not an issue; any more than popular approval might not be first in mind for the guy who dies on the side of Mt. Everest, singularly focused in his aim, irrespective of how futile and impractical popular opinion may deem his quest to be; however, by contrast, the objective of the new site is not vain nor impractical, nor destined to be unpopular or out of the mainstream as those who do take a look will see; as the perspicuous overview from this summit has shown what is most relevant; a manifestation of the most necessary resource for our people.

Useful idiots do the work of enemies: Ramzpaul & Styx comment on “hippies” & “revolution fatigue”

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 09 August 2020 06:55.

Superchat question (52:40): “I wonder at what point we have to choose to either digest these people in our society, as the hippies were in the ‘70’s, or to understand that their culture and mores are indigestible and must be cast out of our society.”

Styx (53:01) “You mean the far leftists? Well, they’re already being…

Ramzpaul (53:38): “And your point about the hippies is good, because, I did a video about this (”Revolution Fatigue”), why you have to catch the momentum…I think the left, these radicals, they think they’re going to have a revolution like its 1917 Russia or its The French Revolution..or they think they’re in Weimar Germany and they’re fighting the Nazis. But see, that type of thing, there’s a lot of differences and you need to really make it happen pretty quick. Whereas I remember, I don’t remember, but I read about the late 60’s, early 70’s, there was like The Weather Underground, they thought they were going to topple the United States and have a revolution. But by the time that I got to university in 1981, they were already considered very dated…people who had that mindset were considered old.


Your understanding of “hippies” is idiotic. The Weather Underground were not hippies. The hippies were not Marxists in their essential motive; in fact, they were notoriously frustrating to Marxist revolutionaries. It matters, because the adversaries of Whites love to blame hippies; it is a way to blame White men as opposed to the culpability of liberal/Marxist programs spearheaded by Jewry; and because they wish to turn White right wing dolts against their own people, while burying an understanding of the profundity of the hippie motive for White men: a fundamental and profoundly important motive on behalf of White male Being / (Dasein/MidtDasein for White men especially) as opposed to their being considered so intrinsically valueless as to have to go to war in Vietnam, exploited for the custom, habit and tradition of their gender role as obligated to war - even in this case, where there was no clear and immanent danger to them and their people; where there could have been other means of dealing with Vietnam rather than conventional war).

A White ethnonational left would not be in “revolutionary” mode where the interests of our union - a union of our people - are being served by those in power. If they are not, i.e., if our interests are not served, then we would seek revolutionary transformation so that the union of our European peoples are secured. This is a big difference between a White ethnonational left and the Marxist, internationalist left. When our ethnonationalist union is secured, we are no longer in revolutionary, transformative mode, but are, rather, elaborative and self corrective.

Note that the hippie epoch lost all impetus once the Vietnam draft was over….

The grievance that caused “the hippie union” “to strike” against the powers and ways that be had been “settled.”

The Beatles, “Revolution”

Ramzpaul and Sytx are weird and annoying in their very insistence upon normalizing Jewish discourse.


For the sake of invoking a provocative perspective, I would like to momentarily change the pronoun in the anti-war song, “Walking in Space”, from “how dare THEY try to end this beauty, to how dare SHE try to end this beauty…

How dare she try, to end this beauty…

Right wing women who go along with the Jewish cover-up -

- ignoring the underlying motive of the hippies and wanting to blame them instead for having created “our problems”, suggesting that men should man-up in universal maturity, rather than manning-up to create group boundaries (e.g., by unionization process), or manning-up where our people’s boundaries are violated (as opposed to the other side of the world, in Vietnam, nowhere near our people’s boundaries, or where Jewish/Israeli boundaries are threatened)

- are particularly annoying…

I also interpose the pronoun change to suggest that this valuation of impervious confidence to the sacrifice of intellectual, critical apprehension of the power’s directives is a tendency in female predilection, and that the hippie movement was a (un-articulated intellectual/political) White male motive by balancing contrast to female valuation, e.g. of sheer confidence.

This also suggests a “foundational” reason as to why intrinsic value should be attributed to White males, for their perspective, as its predilections can, if anything, be better than female predilections; but in any event, provide a necessary systemic corrective in balancing the human ecology of European peoples.

Again, this momentary pronoun change is provocative. Of course women aren’t to blame for men getting sent to Vietnam to kill and die. However, traditional gender roles could have destructive consequences for men as well (second wave feminism kicking off in the 60’s as well), when hidebound, “foundationally” inflexible to the natural emergence and interactive development of White masculinity and its requirements (in praxis).

Related at Majorityrights:

A Conspiracy Theory of A Conspiracy Theory to Divert From White Male Dasein.

Attack on our group/genus is clear, so is need for our defense: Euro-DNA Nations back front & center

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 05 June 2020 16:11.

In brief:

The DNA Nation concept is a means to coordinate people of European extraction - i.e., on the basis of genetics: genus and species (European race and national kinds) worldwide; thereby facilitating organization of 1) our European genus and species in diaspora together with 2) our native European people to maintain their distinct native genetic kinds and national interests; including the aim to secure their national borders; and to 3) coordinate our European diaspora and native Europeans together in genus and species to establish sufficient economic base, power base, organizational boundaries and territories worldwide to defend and advance our kind.


(((Sponsored))) “Black Lives Matter” rioting, arson, looting, property destruction and assault has been repeated in more than 30 U.S. cities followed by European cities as well.

With race riots having broken out in cities all over the United States (and elsewhere), it should now be clear to even the normiest boomer-civnat that Whites are under attack as a race, i.e., as a group - we (White men, in particular) are low man on the totem of the progressive stack of intersectional victim groups. We obviously have to look after our own.

Dallas man tried to assert himself and defend his property alone against the hyper-assertive black element.

While the more sensible among us have observed the destruction to our precious Ethnic Genetic Interests for decades as a result of liberalization of our national borders and group boundaries, the Covid-19 pandemic signaled a paradigmatic shift to broad consciousness that malign factors may cross national borders and interpersonal boundaries; and the state response of closing borders and requiring social distancing revealed that border and boundary maintenance can be done, even if this permutation was not done expressly for the protection of our European genetic kinds.

But we have a more flexible means for protecting our kinds, where the state and those in power are antagonistic and block the means to secure our European kind, sicking aliens and out-groups upon us to no end, and that is the perennial form in which a people fight off oppressive, exploitative and destructive elites: We may unionize our people for the sake of the aforementioned three purposes - otherwise scattered diaspora, our discrete species of native nations and the over-arching power of our genus. The time is ripe to promote this organization in defense of our interests; the need should be clear to all.

Take advantage of C-19 lockdown to squeeze-out the middle class as they might, as they would, what is the proper response to elite oppression? It is unionization (or some analogous means of organizing our people). Then we can begin the course of marshaling our nations and economy to serve our interests as opposed to elite parasites.


Yes, unionization, social organization, is traditionally considered to be a leftist concern (about a broad union of people, with power largely managed by accountability to deliberately delimited boundaries as opposed a “magic hand” wielded acutely, narrowly against the group, supposedly warranted as “purely” and as much without debt to their people as you’ll let them get away with asserting), but unionization of the group is not necessarily an anti-nationalist concern at all. On the contrary, social responsibility, accountability through unionization of national boundaries fit together like a hand and glove - unionization equaling delimitation of group border, providing accountability, providing correctability, which is practically synonymous with group systemic maintenance - corresponding with homeostasis, self corrective systems, autonomy, self governance, sovereignty (what we want and what our enemies try to destroy).

It should dawn on people why our enemies are pushing the anti-left narrative so heavily - they don’t want us to organize against their elite hegemony, the right wing sell outs and licentious liberals that they enlist to their side. And why they altercast “third positionism” as a means of backdoor infiltration and/or destabilization; as opposed to allowing us to define left ethnonationalism for ourselves, to include private property, individual liberties, free enterprise within reason and other means of integrity that Europeans expect within a basis of social accountability.

Boomers bend the knee to Jewish sponsored black power (right wingers taking the pay-off or the flattery to their self sacrificing “objectivity” while liberals take the license and flattery to their indulgent “objectivity”).

A generation of boomers are still in power, not only holding position (bending the knee in deferential acquiescence to blacks and their backers!) presiding over our liberal destruction but also in power over the reactionaries to liberal destruction; particularly represented by STEM types in intransigence for the relative success afforded by their STEM predilection (marketable skills) and the fortune of post war boom years, where the anti-social story of individual human potential could allow them to burn the social capital stored by the conservatism of prior generations, to remain rationally blinded to their indebtedness to their social capital; and they will tend to think that we simply need to get back to their liberal/objectivist, anti-social ways - it just needs to be applied harder. They are all too ready to believe that the very correction to their over-grazing and irresponsibility is the problem: those “lefties” who seek to create a unionized system of social accountability. But STEM types are notorious dupes to manichean devils.

STEM types, markedly Europeans evolved mostly in response to natural challenges, Augustinian devils, are famously great scientists and engineers and notorious dupes to the Manichean devils coming out of the Middle East, those whose primary challenge was other groups, who thus evolved accordingly, wielding Manichean trickery and deception.

Now, science and empirically rigorous, close readings of our peoples deep, emergent nature, requirements for the maintenance of our being, is indispensable. There are several invaluable concepts that GW and Bowery have put forth from that rigorous end of inquiry; e.g., GW’s “being-of” is a great idea, an important centralizing position in hermeneutic process (and not mutually exclusive to the platform that I set out).

However, if the end of rigorous verification is to have orientation and relevant account, it must function within working hypotheses. I like to go with Shotter’s idea of calling these “specificicatory structures”, partly finished concepts which may be elaborated, acted-into and corrected with others. Our borders and boundaries can’t be taken for granted and don’t fall into place in a seemingly perfectly natural way that borders and bounds do for the Japanese, because we have been subject to an array of manichean tricks, for millennia now, to rupture our borders and bounds.

Furthermore, as the STEM predilection is attuned to precision, binary either/ors and to look for “the one little sublime thing” that might make the circuit go or not and at same time might eliminate redundancy as inefficient, it can be a good habit for engineering, but a vast disservice to the complexity of praxis, the social world, rupturing its organic holisms and multiple agentive interfaces, such that slightly ambiguous concepts, specificatory structures, serve better for their flexible interfacing capacity. Comfortable thus with working hypotheses and not over-valuing precision so much as to misapply it, one is not liable to make a bewilderingly retarded mistake such as hearing that Gregory Bateson “is Jungian” (not true) and therefore that he can be dismissed entirely as otherwise redundant for that one thing (which isn’t even true!). 

And as I’ve pointed-out before, STEM types have had a leg up in advancing their perspective in the internet age, thus delaying corrections to anti-social perspectives that may tend to adhere to their predilections.

It is the other end of orientation - calibration and unionization of our group to provide relevant accountability to our ancient social capital and its future trajectory - that the manichean adversaries of European interests have been assiduously at work against.

The concept of the group, particularly as unionized, is the opposite of liberalism (the no-account, toxic ocean in which we swim) because you are conserving what is within and providing, through its “union” structuring, the means of accountability to our group system, which corresponds to correctivity, which is approximately synonymous to group systemic homeostasis (self corrective systems) - which is what we (should) want as a people - functional borders, boundaries to provide autonomy, sovereignty. This structures consciousness as deliberate; you have to love the departure from objectivist, no account liberal whateverism - it is deliberate.

Black daycare worker suffocates 8 month old, CCTV shows dying child thrashing her legs to escape

Specifically, Europeans are under attack as a group (a race is a group). Generally, the humanities, not harder sciences, are the disciplines which develop means to analyse human groups.

Psychology generally focuses on the individual, and as such it is limited in its utility to our group concerns in interaction. While sociology takes the group as its unit of analysis and communicology takes interaction as its unit of analysis.

As instruments thus, sociology and communicology are better suited to our concerns - we are under attack as a group in interaction by characteristically antagonistic and manichean (trickster/deceptive) peoples. And as sociology is being weaponized against us, that is all the more reason to take control of it for our interests, not to abandon the group unit of analysis as “Jewish.” That’s ridiculous. Talk about an ostrich putting its head in the sand.

Now then, there are many necessary means for understanding and organizing our people that I call White Post Modern in order to distinguished these resources/means from what has been put across by the YKW and their liberal minions as “post modernity” - the many red cape misrepresentations and distortions of the concepts to wield against White interests and to turn White people off to the underlying concepts altogether, crucial though they would be to understand and deploy in White interests.

“Will you commit to defunding the police? - No? Then get the fuck out of here!” Minneapolis Mayor (((Jacob Frey))) is doing all he can to acquiesce to black demands.

Black Lives Matter is just one of many anti-White organizations sponsored by (((YKW)))

Particularly as they attained greater hegemony than ever in 2008, Jewish power and influence has been determined to maintain those distortions of the humanities weaponized against Whites as representing “THE Left” and “THE Problem” to be solved primarily by Whites joining them on the Cartesian end of pure science, universal truth, facts, Abrahamic god beyond nature, etc. Rationally blinded to what the YKW are doing, in pseudo objectivity, detached from the disingenuousness of our own elite sell-outs, the naivete of the masses who go along with this (((Madison ave))) marketing campaign against “The Left”. Anything but the social accountability and social justice, anything but left ethnonationalism, as its concept of unionization facilitates - no, can’t have that. It’s a threat to Jewish power and influence; a threat to right wing sell outs who take their pay off; a threat to liberals who take anti-social license.

The abuse of the humanities has been so profound in its deployment against Whites that you can hear particularly STEM type Whites in reaction proclaim “Sociology” a false religion. Well, the abuse of sociology into an anti-White religion can be. But to criticize sociology as a discipline as a “false religion” would be like calling a telescope, “bad.”

Again, the social group, which is the focus of sociology, is as relevant as any neutral unit of analysis can be given that we are under attack as a group - a race, attacked by anti-racism. Thus, if sociology is being abused against us, that is all the more reason to take control of the instrument for our interests.

Our enemies have devised red capes of social organization throughout the years, Marxism (international a-racial unionization), Cultural Marxism (anti-White unionization), and recently since 2008 have cultivated a characterology of “the left” which they would try to attribute to anybody who tries to apply salutary concepts of the left to White interests, viz, to the ethnonation, saying that you are trying to take away private property, trying to take away unequal outcomes according to merit, that you seek centralized planning etc..

What you really want is to be right wing, because that would suit Jews in their hegemony, don’t want any union of the masses seeking social justice; at least you could show your theoretical sophistication by being neither right nor left? then you could stay obligingly disorganized; failing that, be third position along with knucklehead Keith Woods, so you can introduce Hitler and natural fallacy to help rid the Jews of their mischling problem and put the White unionists to death in war, oblige Jewish provocation as such, for the introduction of that destabilizing element, courtesy the knucklehead.

Rather than organizing, unionizing White interests against Jewish power and influence, you can keep on with the program of diverting reaction to the right wing sell-outs the YKW enlist, the liberals the YKW enlist with increasing license.

Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office has released shocking video of hundreds of looters breaking into a Tampa Walmart on Saturday, May 30, 2020, at 9:10 p.m.
(Courtesy ABC Action News and Hillsborough Sheriff’s Dept. 11 June 2020).

(((Curtis Yarvin (mencius moldbug)))‘s whole “Dark Enlightenment” was effectively an op against STEM types to further misdirect them from the proper findings and deployment of the humanities.

Worse, to dismiss the humanities, the more hypothetical end of inquiry in balance to harder scientific rigor, is to dismiss the most relevant units of analysis for the challenge that we are up against, for anti-racism is anti group classification and (likely necessary) discrimination thereof; while communicology is the study of interactions, e.g., group interactions which may break down group systemic maintenance (a human ecology) or serve to maintain it. And it is to dismiss resource from the humanities unnecessarily, as they should not be looked upon as in conflict but complementary to the more rigorous end, equally indispensable.

However, while I make perfect sense to myself, I have been up against Jewish/Abrahamic interests, the right wing reactionaries they enlist and buy off with low account stories of their independent objective merit, while the liberals, with the same line of independent, objective merit, are bought off more cheaply, i.e., provided more straight forward license (licentiousness) to indulge.

Those who react in indignation while not being willing to act against our people’s interests (at least not intentionally), take the right wing altercasting into purity spirals - a wish for “that’s just the way it isnness” to find relief from Jewish rhetorical deception and other manicheanism in the social world (praxis) - but at the serious cost to group organization, accountability and agency.

That would be “leftist’ ..can’t do that.” 

And so when I, an early and quintessential Gen-Xer, seek to correct the rational blindness of Boomers, particularly of the STEM kind, with necessary concepts of social unionization to facilitate accountability to our historic and future genetic capital, given the hideous abuse they have witnessed by means of the red capes of the humanities, given that the Jews want them to continue in their misunderstanding and to identify as right wingers, easily maneuvered, or self destructive, stigmatizing, dividing and disorganizing as such, given the mean and insane anti social reaction that many have gotten into as right wingers, I have been up against far more resistance than I would have expected and far more than I should have gotten.

Now, this has been a bit of digression but I needed to take it on because I haven’t gotten the help that I should have from the boomer STEM types; in fact, I have gotten horrible resistance. The general strawmanning that I’ve been subject to has been absurd, while the platform that I offer is coherent and equipped with important concepts.

The idea of unionization as I advocate it should never have met with the kind of resistance it has; and this resistance is likely to be an expression of reaction to abuses of the concept deployed as anti-White or indifferent to White EGI, as with other social concepts organized against Whites; mis-perceived as being inherently anti-White and unusable by Whites therefore, which is absurd; but in truth, the anti-Whitism has been laid-on thick; people’s reacting against “the left” is understandable - it was my reaction until I began to make inferences along with some founding WN fathers turned against the right; and if I had not been privy to the source of inner theoretical workings, i might not be able to penetrate the ostensible either.

DNA Nations functions something like a union of unions; coalition of unions; federation.

This is not superficial philosophy. It is not mere politics which requires to be put aside indefinitely for some “deeper” science or philosophy. Aristotle takes praxis as the first order of business and Aristotle is the most respected single figure among European peoples for reasons of outstanding judgment in regard to human nature and our requirements. If Praxis, group organization, is out of whack, all other endeavors are liable to be futile. And crucially, in line with Aristotle’s advice, to over apply science and physics (pleroma) to the biological and social world (creatura) of praxis is the classic epistemological blunder which has precipitated some of our worst historical catastrophes.

            Warsaw after WWII (left)                        Dresden after WWII (right)

Nor do we need to distrust all words, as we are not trying to persuade our enemies but rather seek to make things clear for our people.

That is the essence of the post modern project, to call back our people from Cartesian estrangement into a centralization of our group of people (praxis), a unionization delimitation facilitating accountability to ours and coordination with other groups of people and environment that Cartesianism’s objective estrangement can be oblivious-to.


Paradigmatic Shift: From Pandemic to Pervasive Ecology through Coordinated Ethnonationalism.

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 12 April 2020 18:46.

Paradigmatic Shift: A paradigmatic shift of epoch world view is emergent with the implicative force of the pandemic.

From Modernity, International Liberalism and Pandemic to Pervasive Ecology Managed through the Coordination of Ethnonationalism’s Paradigmatic Conservatism.


Paradigmatic Conservatism is an idea put forward by Gregory Bateson, endorsing strong national borders which, in turn, allow for broader individual liberty within the nation. He maintained that the prevailing epoch has stupidly reversed that equation - with borders having been allowed to run wild while individual liberties are pegged.


A paradigmatic shift in world view is instigated with the global pandemic, from the prevailing liberal internationalist paradigm, to one of paradigmatic conservatism – strong borders which can ideally and practically facilitate a wide breadth of individual liberty within, securing the integrity of the authentic, emergent qualities of our genome.

The global pandemic evinces a long overdue ecological corrective to the modern epoch’s impervious liberalism. Its universalizing reach wielded obliviously over interpersonal and international boundaries, where not naively adopted in the rational blindness of its pseudo objectivity, detached from relative group interests, then disingenuously weaponized by the powers-that-be, buttressing that halo of innocence with suspended disbelief in arbitrary experimentalism for the promise of limitless progress and growth, even if in the hereafter.

Modernity has been a driving extension of the most determinedly evangelical forces of globalization, with that linear belief that change and arbitrary experiment lead necessarily the way of progress, ostensibly warranting the hubris of vulgarly pragmatic narcissism to run impervious rough-shod over indigenous peoples – their destruction by its means, after all, written-off as a mere functional hazard of progress and being where the critique of Modernity gained moral traction/warrant with anthropologists.

There is an irony in this post modern correction, the reflexive effect of the pandemic revealing both our systemic inter-relatedness and thus interdependence on sovereignty, as the inhabitants of earth are shown most clearly how mutually interdependent and thus responsible that we are for the discrete border control and population management that nationalism facilitates.

This shared circumstance that we are all now confronted with along with the national responses of border control and social distancing, confirm the profound importance and the very real possibility of maintaining national borders and social bounds. Functional possibility of border and boundary control that the liberal powers-that-be would undoubtedly like to continue to deny.

And of the culmination of this Modern epoch post World War II, the idealized prohibition of group classification by means of Lockeatine Civil Rights no longer taken under the epoch’s fulmination as a simple mechanism at individual discretion against impediments to individual liberty, forward thinking and progress, but given a potently weaponized form of “Civil Rights” against forecast abuse of social classification by suspect groups, viz., as “racism”, a stunning and stigmatizing concept to wield by even the most crass against those deemed likely to abuse the concept of human taxonomic classification, easily ruining them, Bateson remarked in one of his very last speeches, nevertheless…

“I don’t have to tell you about the tyranny of patterns, that is the rubric under which we meet. What you may not know, is that you have to accept them.”

The rubric of the “tyranny” cited by so called progressives to be sheerly liberated from, of course, is the formal classification of patterns – including human ecologies – while Lockeatine rights, anti-racism and so on, are what is taken for granted as the perfectly innocuous liberation, the remedy to this “tyranny.”

The inevitability of systemic correction inherent in patterns, whether by stasis or homeostasis, is their tyranny.

This long overdue correction to modernity’s Cartesian universalism nevertheless presents the opportunity to move from post hoc reaction against the inevitable stasis – and by reaction against the stasis, we mean the non-deliberate physical and biological responses to corrections coming from outside of the system, sometimes confronting it in the form of disease, such as this virus - to one of social systemic homeostasis, deliberate correctivity: the autonomy of self correction, self corrective systems.

Nationalism, particularly ethnonationalism, structures a systemic world view optimally for homeostasis, i.e., in praxis - the socially self corrective paradigm as it facilitates accountability, coherence, agency and warrant in the management and coordination of human and pervasive ecology.

Whether disciplined by the overseers of homeostasis, or by brute stasis, a paradigmatic shift from Modernity and liberalism is implicated.

This international affliction that we are experiencing and the national responses of border control and social distancing confirm the importance, possibility and reality of maintaining national borders and interpersonal bounds.

As such, it prompts consciousness of a paradigmatic shift from the prevailing internationalist liberal paradigm, to one of paradigmatic conservatism - ethnonationalism.


However, the perennial libertarian concern over abuse of state power is vying to reassert itself as the most important rubric.

State measures to control the virus, ranging from shutting down small businesses, to fining people for walks in the park, to tracking-apps monitoring people’s whereabouts through their I-phones, to limiting freedom of travel for ordinary people, are looked upon as liable to lead to further centralization of wealth and power to the anti-ethnonationalist elite, along with a greater capacity and ostensible warrant to clamp down with a police state in their interests - not ours.

Particularly if this concern is upheld as paramount by influential voices who do not experience themselves as having a strong vested interest in ethnonationalism, a temptation especially for those talented enough to nerd their way around (think Styxhexenhammer666) and get their share (for now) despite the growing casualty to our species, personal priorities such as theirs can tap into a broader audience of right wing reactionaries, flatter their “intellectualism”, tickle conspiratorial horror scenarios and maneuver the broad base of our people right back into the laissez faire liberal-sphere - a co-option which would suit the powers that be just fine - the liberal powers that be, who’ve gotten us into this broad wreckage of our human and pervasive ecology, who obviously care even less about us and our concerns for the preservation of our kind and habitat, and would be just fine with seeing us blended away where we do not die-off outright.

Hence, the correction could be diverted through over reaction as the exercise of state power rouses concern of police and surveillance state, whether paranoically imagined or very real, as incipient ethnonationalists certainly have cause to be concerned about that through their experience of censorship and persecution.

However, most of those worried about these possibilities tend to be the same people who do not have the freedom of being grounded in good will; not being ethnonationalists, the people they feel duty bound to see as something like brethren-ends-in-themselves are not, in fact, their people, or do not conceive of themselves as such; and thus, they rather stubbornly cling to their right wing, anti-social security blankets – the socially unaccountable natural fallacy of ceaseless power struggle, or outside of praxis on the other side, outside of nature to an unaccountable sky god or the “magic hand” of the market that would ordain the charlatans who would use state power to oppress them indeed.

Nevertheless, the significance of achieving national autonomy for our people through state sovereignty on our behalf, is so clearly important that how state authority is to be achieved reigns supreme and how to rein-in state authority over potential abuse a detail – an important detail but one which should be far more manageable as we all know, if we are “bowling among ours only.” In fact, issues of potential state abuse, corruption and accountability (particularly keeping accounts requested to a minimum) should be far more manageable trough ethnonationalism and all the more reason for us to take charge.

Putnam’s studies, published in Bowling Alone, indicate that the heterogeneous, proposition nation is at the other extreme with regard to trust facilitation. Thus, we have less to fear from the homogeneously populated state – i.e., ethnonationalism.

And ethnonationalism is most open in the broadest sense as well, as the people are one in the union, from elites, to rank and file, to marginals, accountability is most likely to best serve the interest of all, thus kept to a minimum, let alone going rogue to police and surveillance state.

With that is another silver lining to fear of the police state: try putting yourself in their shoes - what are you going to do with all this data? Where would you begin? Are you afraid that you might be required to get a vaccine in order to travel or move to a nation? Is that a new practice? Haven’t Small Pox and Polio vaccines been required for a century now? But I digress.

Yes, China has a pernicious social credit system in operation, but that is a function of a narrow elite rigidly in power for their sake, not an ethnonational superstructure. China would have to be broken into several nations to have ethnonstates; as opposed to something more like an empire over-reaching divergent interests, attempting to suppress and control them.

Let us put trust where most people intuitively find trustworthiness, and where the science tells us that people find social and political participation worthwhile regarding state/union organization – if it is ours, in and about the interests of our homogeneous people, it is at very least a trustworthy start.

Further, consider what convulsive, over reaction can bring indeed - the quest for pure warrant, the exception beyond account, ethnosupremacism and genocidal imperialism as opposed to ethnonationalism.

Paul Tillich:

“The existentialist protest against dehumanization and objectification, together with its courage-to-be as oneself, has turned into the most elaborate and oppressive form of collectivism that has appeared in history.”

Although arguments have been put forward that he was speaking of the Soviets, it is actually pretty apparent that Tillich was speaking of the Nazi regime.

Even so, this platform isn’t about preventing self actualization and achievement, but rather looks to make the individual quests more possible by putting them on socially supportable, emergent grounds, facilitating an optimal circularity of needs in quest in order to stabilize them within the union, harmonizing them with homeostasis of the union as well.

This is why social constructionism has been recommended, in order to sensitize us to our human connection and indebtedness in Praxis, which is a fact and a responsibility, a necessary focus particularly for we, the more individualistic peoples of European evolution.

In fact, we are not making things up, out of thin air as weaponized forms of purported social constructionism would bandy.

This international affliction that we are experiencing and the national responses of border control and social distancing confirm the importance and reality of social grouping, and the possibility of maintaining national borders and interpersonal bounds.

As such, it prompts consciousness of a paradigmatic shift from the prevailing internationalist liberal paradigm, to one of paradigmatic conservatism - ethnonationalism.

In fact, in some respects we are experiencing the dark side of self actualization, a modernist story in dire need of social hermeneutic correction (as I have discussed many times), a story told of our individual potential and social boundary transgressing liberty maximized and weaponized against our group interests through the context of America’s civic nationalism; its civil rights weaponized as anti racism against any social classification that would serve European homeostasis facilitated by ethonationalism; thus it is an anti nationalist weapon, decidedly un-ecological but given to us as the rubric under which we function since World War II. Since then, Nazi imperialism and supremacism, its natural fallacy, have been disingenuously labeled nationalism by those antagonistic to our people being due any account, as we would by means of a sufficiently powerful group, the ethnonation, and able thereby to require accounts in return.

To be clear from the start, we are marking a distinction of ethnonationalism from ethnosupremacism, the epistemological blunder, the natural fallacy of Nazism, which was supremacist and imperialist, as Hitler believed state borders were a fiction that were merely enforced by brute force and should be violated by the powerful people, imposing their will to power in accordance with his natural fallacy – this is not nationalism, nor socialism for that matter. His natural fallacy followed a logic of meaning and action beyond (or below, as it were) the accountability and correctivity of the praxis of the social world, to runaway – to destruction. Our aim is the systemic autonomy that the social construction of ethnonationalism facilitates, and preservation of human and other natural species which borders assure, not a race struggle with the aim of annihilating those who do not want be subject, subsumed and eliminated in a battle for supremacy.

Ethnonationalism is the opposite, defending species against supremacism and imperialism.

As opposed to this runaway quest of modernity, clinging to subhuman nature in struggle for supremacy and imperialism, the turn to ethnonationalism wields the power of common interests to cooperate, thus security over anxiety, death, emptiness, meaninglessness, guilt, condemnation, subsuming these existential dreads into the meaningful context of our social capital, its history and future.

The ethnonation gives verifiable structure to the history and systemic breadth that hermeneutics critically affords - the historical narrative of our people, our broad systemic perspective in coherent meaning, contextualizing and transcending mere facticity, beyond duress of betrayal and the natural fallacy of momentary or episodic struggle.

Nationalism, true nationalism, that is to say ethnonationalism, requires a paradigmatic adjustment in the narrative we go by – not to deny the place of self, but to place its relevance within the meaning of a large, but delimited group – the nation (species) and the race (genus) along with its regions being about the largest practical unit of analysis to stave off the abyss of indifference that confronts the limits of our natural parameters.

There is an irony here as the epoch of Modernity is brought to a conclusion, its universal quests, its obliviousness to differences that make a difference, it’s impervious internationalism brings home the interdependent need among the nations for border control to facilitate human and pervasive ecology.

That is, national border control provides the apparatus for population management - the correctability of Praxis, which is approximately synonymous with social systemic homeostasis, the deliberate management of human ecology only practical through the alleged artifice of nationalism and its coordination among ethnonationalsm, without which there will be stasis, brutal stasis such as the virus.

We should have been able to do this before the disaster hit, but liberals…they are just too cool for the rest of us, aren’t they?

Now, you don’t have to look at things that way, you can go back to the blindered perspective of self actualization and the magic hand which you think owes very little to your ethnonation, but I don’t recommend it and I’d have people take a look at people like you when the nation’s people are down on their luck.

Ethnonational management facilitates the establishment of control variables and the biodiversity, the flexibility for an ecology that will best assure our survival and advance.

We are speaking of very real human biodiversity, more horizontal in nature, not the red cape, singularly lateralized Steve Sailer sham of comparative I.Q. that he has the nerve to call “human bio diversity” - the lateralism that you rightfully fear, having power to wield all that modern apparatus and same old narcissistic Abrahamic world view indifferent to the difference of your human ecology as might thrive in a diversity of ethnonationalism.

This international crisis demonstrates how interdependent we are on borders and interpersonal bounds, to protect the ecology of our genome, i.e., on not being forced to be so inextricably enmeshed with one another and not be subject to the coercive social engineering, the artificial halo of sainthood of no account, self righteous, imposed pan mixia to the destruction of ancient genome in this universal, most evangelical religion of modernity - which some would call secularized Abrahamism, a tag of which I could agree.

This world view takes us to a new paradigm from the Judeo/Christian, its enlightenment reaction of Descartes and Locke, to a world view centered existentially through praxis, and not misdirected from that centering by the red cape abuses of the concept by the YKW; rather we hold fast to this paradigm, the social connection of our embedded, emergent groups, race, nation, sub groups, family, and to responsibility, to ourselves in coordination with outgroups for our common interest, manageable by group – the nation being the optimal unit of power to maintain ourselves against out-group antagonism, indifference and brute corrections like the virus.

This international affliction that we are experiencing and the national responses of border control and social distancing confirm the importance and reality of social grouping, and the possibility of maintaining national borders and interpersonal bounds.

As such, it prompts consciousness of a paradigmatic shift from the prevailing internationalist liberal paradigm, to one of paradigmatic conservatism.

The Post Modern, hermeneutic turn, is a turn from the Caresian estrangement of Modernity to a centering in Praxis, our people, which is entirely consonant with ethnonationalism and its coordination with fellow ethnonationals.

The ethnonational state in particular, is an existential entity. That is, it facilitates the re-centering of our Western world view in Praxis – social group – taking us out of Cartesian estrangement, runaway and reaction to brute corrective stasis, to a centraliztion of ethnonationalist social groups, with their capacity to structure systemically corrective homeostasis by means of accountability; which also facilitates coherence, agency and warrant to coordinate with other human ecologies and pervasive ecology.

In this paradigmatic shift we are taking the post modern turn to praxis – the social outlook, the centralization of our world view through our people groups, most powerfully by nation, as opposed to the non-social, i.e. non human modernist reaction to sophistry and its abuses of the social realm, which shuns our capability for interactive, agentive correction and seeks relief from that responsibility by claims of narrow, if not pure warrant at either end of the Cartesian extreme, beyond nature, or below human nature, in natural fallacy – either way, beyond correction, beyond accountability, with impervious claims of objectivity free of interests and accountability, and liable to runaway, to disaster, such as befalls us and has befallen us.

In quarantine of our shut borders and social distancing, we may experience the time to dwell, to dwell in our emergence, among our emergent habitat and folk, to hold fast, maintain and evince our truth.

It is a time to slowly look at our situation in its broad concern, take what we need in essence and give thanks – thankian.

This anti Cartesianism, call it social constructionism as you should, is about focusing attention on our interrelatedness, re establishing the capacity to unionize our interests, not a matter of some esoteric and vast undertaking of psychological transformation, but a highly pragmatic act, an ordinary, straight away available act of unionization in our genetic interests, recognizing and reminding one another of our inter relation, indebtedness to one another and thus accountability – but with that comes the aforementioned reward of coherence, agency and warranted assertability.

There is an irony being revealed in this crisis, of the interdependent need for border control to facilitate human and pervasive ecology.

The irony of interdependence means that we are interdependent upon the discrete border control and population management that nationalism affords.

Hence the Paradigmatic shift from the globalizing liberal hegemony is set forth. Thanks be to the forces of pattern.


Discourse Analysis of The (Dave) “Rubin Report” discussion with the Weinstein Brothers, Bret & Eric.

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 16 December 2019 05:00.

I watched this for the first time yesterday, and certain things in this conversation jumped out at me; though presented (((typically))) of course, in a taken for granted manner by the Weinsteins and Rubin as benign and wholly salutary, this discussion raised red flags for me regarding their positions and at certain points; and should also raise red flags for anybody who cares about European peoples.

As these are fairly clever men, presented as cutting edge academic authorities, this conversation is a good place to expose the deception, egregious bias and the kind of language games that put forth their agenda as taken for granted.

I’ll be adding remarks as time permits. Critical commentary is forthcoming and should add up pretty quickly.

Claire Khaw & co. render Islam to normalize rape, Luke Ford renders Judaism to institutionalize rape

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 10 December 2019 05:02.

As I have stopped taking her seriously, not even as providing an oppositional platform in which to air ethnonational views, I was neither carefully listening nor in attendance for all of this discussion; but I did catch Claire Khaw making some sort of assertion (in defense of those proposing rape as an unavoidable fact of war, therefore something to be accepted and to inspire ‘manly’ reaction?) that she believes it is normal for men to sit around and share rape fantasies while they are among themselves. I found this bizarre and utterly irresponsible, as I have never even had any such thoughts privately (Claire tried to say it is because I am older, but when I say never, I mean never) nor have I known any man who expressed these wishes.

The controversy flared-up with Con-Ops and That Woman leading the way to denounce Claire’s sanctioning of cohorts who were bandying the suggestion that the English might be incited to act more manly by the Muslim rape of English girls, and might thus, retaliate in kind by raping their enemy… Claire considers rape an unavoidable corollary of war; in attempted normalization of this “thought process” in discussion, she went on to suggest, as I’d mentioned, that ‘rape is a normal fantasy and desire lurking in the private thoughts of men, that they reveal when among themselves absent the company of women’....

You’d think that was bad enough, then Luke Ford got into the act of normalizing and institutionalizing rape (see below).

But first, Con Ops and That Woman review Claire and co. on rape:

Claire’s Secular Koranist disciple Ego Dik goes full Ted Bundy

Claire Khaw allies herself with incel jihadi’s

Spiritual Mamzer

Claire has tried to argue that EGO DIK’s incitements to sexual violence against English girls were just a part of a troll to trigger an angry reaction and to make a point.( judge for yourself) Claire has called me hysterical and a virtue signalling liberal bitch for calling out EGO DIK and Jon Vance

For those who think these are but harmless spergs on the internet and would never perpetrate violence in real life. Think again! Jonathan’s friend Travis Patron another virgin with rage and currently the leader of the Canadian Nationalist Party, assaulted two lady’s. Travis told Vance he was going to pick up some woman and smash some puzz. He ended up smashing two faces.

Ego Dik and Jon Vance have naturally backed their fearless leader.


Richard Murdoch

1 week ago
Spiritual mamzer aka con ops did nothing wrong.
Big ups homie….keep it gangsta

That Woman
2 weeks ago (edited)
What I find amazing is they seem to believe that everyone secretly thinks this way and they are just being “brave and honest”. I must say, these horrible things they have been posting and saying have never crossed my mind.

As if normalizing rape wasn’t bad enough, Luke Ford gets into the act of institutionalizing rape..

Luke Ford’s barbarous right wing religion:

A Yazidi woman who had been a sex slave to Isis confronts her former captor:


Luke Ford shows this video (22:24) and then comments, shockingly…

Luke Ford (25:00) “Ok, let me move on so, how does the bible deal with rape in battle? So it’s been a very typical male behavior in battle * that after you win the battle after you take female captives from the out-group, that its traditional that if they’re attractive you rape them. So, how did the bible deal with this? It instituted a practice whereby yeah, you can rape them once; but after that you had to allow them to cut off all their hair and to mourn for I think, thirty days, for their parents who are presumably dead, then you have the option of marrying them, bringing them into your household or setting them free. So, I think that the bible understood that men are going to rape in battle. What it tried to do was restrict (holds back a chuckle) the amount of raping, tried to cut down on it, and provide some rituals to control male lust.

So, Judaism is a very practical religion, very much in this world.” - Luke Ford.

Luke Ford’s Judaic religion ‘understands’ that men WILL rape in times of war, therefore the bible prescribes that you may do this once, after which time the woman must be given an opportunity to shave her head and grieve for lost family (presumably dead parents and so on) for 30 days; followed by the rapist being given the option to marry the woman or to set her free..

The “that’s just the way it-is-ness” that “men WILL rape” is a tell tale sign of the right wingishness that Luke adopts in accordance with his brutally supremacist religion’s obscene prescription for the event - Luke speaks proudly of this prescription, saying how it illustrates that “Judaism is a very practical religion, very much in this world.”

Do you see what’s happening here with the language game that Luke Ford is playing? He and (his people) don’t want White people to have a social constructionist understanding, because that would provide us with social accountability and agency. He wants to continue to argue on behalf of a ‘beleaguered right wing facticity, a that’s just the way it is-ness for the ‘we’ on the right, who are dealing with reality’ (to protect our unjust Jewish hegemony, right wing and liberal complicitness with pseudo objectivst bullshit, that is).

The social constructionist understanding of these events is why a left ethnonationalist perspective is superior. Because a social constructionist understanding would maintain that the fact of rape is not something that has to be accepted and normalized. Not even post hoc - after the fact - as we have the agency to (socially) construct how facts come to count. In the case of rape, it can be looked upon as neither a necessary consequence of circumstance nor a mere natural fact in the course of life, but a very serious crime…let alone something fairly normal and a sign of manliness. In fact, it has been standard operating procedure for the U.S. Military to severely punish enlisted men who rape.

The story of Emmett Till, a young black boy who was lynched for sexually harassing a White woman in 1955 Mississippi, has been endlessly retold to the exclusion of the exponentially more common black on White rape and murder events.

It is interesting to note that Till’s father, a black serviceman in the U.S. Army stationed in Italy during WWII, was court martialed and hanged for having raped an Italian woman. Emmett was pre-empted in his trajectory as a chip off the old black.

So, no, rape is not necessarily accepted as a normal feature of war, and a liberty for victorious troops to take over the vanquished.

* Rape may have been condoned if not encouraged by certain primitive elements in armies like the Soviets, it may be considered normal for non-White armies, but it is strictly prohibited by White armies.

The whole rape issue and the fact that European men tend to be exponentially better behaved in that regard than blacks, more sublimated than the R selecting blacks and Middle Easterners, can be yet another selling point to our co-evolutionary women, and strong warrant for our sovereign ethnonationalism. If White women want to mix with them, that’s too bad, but White men are not obligated [that would be a form of White slavery] to support them or their offspring - the exploitation and punishment rather will be of her ... just as the reward of a better way of life will be for loyal women.

Related at Majorityrights:

Claire Khaw hosts “Focken” and “Ovfuckyou”Ovfuckyou says “Hitler did nothing wrong” and tries to equate Nazism with White Nationalism.


Football Team analogy by contrast to false comparisons, non-equality and supremacism.

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 05 December 2019 05:30.

The late W. Barnett Pearce, a communications scholar, was commemorated by colleagues and students in his passing with their reflections on his work as it influenced and inspired.

One student spoke of a eureka moment provided by a football team analogy that Barnett recommended as a way to look upon how people function together in a coordinated way as opposed to narcissistic, false comparisons that might prop-up dangerous hubris and instigate conflict for non-recognition, if not disrespect for the value, purpose and abilities, in fact, of necessary niche evolutionary differences.

By contrast to better and worse, equal or not-equal, or rendering false comparisons by trying to apply a singular comparative criteria among the people of a group or between groups on the whole, Barnett used the football team analogy to recommend to his student a qualitative way of looking upon group, systemic functioning.

Note, we’re talking about American football in this analogy:

You don’t say one of the offensive linemen positions, say a Left Guard or Right Tackle or a Center, is “not equal” to a Wide Receiver or Fullback. You don’t say that they are not as good, that the Wide Receiver or Half Back is better, the Quarterback is greater than his linemen (Tackles, Guards, Center, Tight End). Well, I guess you can say that, in that the Quarterback position might be harder to fill, but it is fundamentally a stupid comparison, particularly if it fails to recognize his dependence on the Offensive Line for his pass protection and to open up holes for an alternative running game.

Each position has a different set of procedures that is necessary to carry out if the Team is to function effectively, coordinated as a group systemic effort. And toward that end, each position has to be respected as necessary and performing an essential function to the system which is not to be dismissed if the group system is to function effectively.

The positions tend to require qualitatively different abilities, physiology and mentality, true, but they are all necessary if the team is to be a successful system.

Anyway, the analogy provides another resource, along the lines of the concept of commensurability and incommensurability of qualitative niche abilities in and between paradigms (groups), to help people coordinate our White Ethnonationalist efforts. opposed to equality/non equality, false comparisons, hubris of across-the-board supremacism which may leave us vulnerable for lack of an effective “Offensive Line” or lack of respect for their function as such.


Where does my learning & warrant to give advice come from? “Your father is a nigger” and other tales

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 17 June 2019 11:33.

My advice is to treat everything you have learned in higher education exactly as you treat everything you have learned from Christian teaching, excepting only that, knowing of it, one might investigate the damage that it has visited upon the life of our race.  It is useful to analysis.  But do not seek to re-interpret and apply any part of it creatively to the European existential question.  The philosophy of our peoples’ life has not yet been written. - Guessedworker

My learning comes not from what was then called “The Tower Library” when I first came there, renamed the W.E.B. Dubois Library after the Mulatto Marxist, at the demand of liberally protesting students, which included classmates of mine (I rather wound up hoping that the library would tip over and fall onto our department’s Machmer hall which was right near the library to one side below).

In this bit of recent “advice” from GW, I find some exoneration for the vitriol and rebuke that I’ve visited upon him - starting when some tipping point was reached in his dismissiveness. I already had strong reason to believe that politeness and respect would not work to stop him from trying to minimize, misrepresent, dismiss and bury what I’ve brought to bear. But that statement confirms it for me.

And with it, that there are total inaccuracies in his concept of where what I’ve learned comes from. Inaccuracies that suit the stereotyping of his autobiography.

I have called attention to a feature of GW’s autobiography - the non-academic David who is going to singularly slay the entirety of the academic Goliath, preparing the ground for his foundational and comprehensive world view of the requirements of European peoples - an utterly grandiose aspect of his autobiography that was formed in reaction to YKW academic abuses of social organization and advocacy.

As I have explained, I am very sympathetic to this and, in fact, returned to graduate school for the purpose of defending White men in response - my thinking at the time, that it would be from an approach of scientific foundation - the very word “pragmatism” was repulsive to me and it took Pearce’s calm and sympathetic advice that I did not like mere pragmatism, to calm me down. He added, that we are pragmatists because we have to be. If you follow the pragmatist line of reasoning to its conclusion, even our ideals and our pursuit of our depths are pragmatic - though it is not my purpose to defend the pragmatists but rather to illustrate where I was coming from and how I was helped around. I believe Pearce’s teaching would hold that pragmatism, literally, would be short on prefigurative force, if not contextual or implicative force, where perhaps it should not be over emphasizing practical force, practically speaking.

To negotiate the post modern condition, he and his colleagues, along with grad students, would focus on the need to manage coherence, coordination and mystery. Coordination would be the feature that would require a more basic, universal language to negotiate.

GW said that I made the wrong choice to not follow up foundational science. GW is wrong. While it is good and necessary for some of our people to study cognitive science, that is not what our advocacy and its philosophical underpinnings most require at this point - we’re under attack psychologically, yes, but our concerns are deeper than that, we need more of a social perspective to look at the deepest problems, as we are under attack as a species, group system, a race - largely a matter of social classification as Pearce would show:

W. Barnett Pearce

Sexists, racists, and other classes of classifiers: Form and function of “...Ist” accusations

by Julia T. Wood and W. Barnett Pearce

An “. . . ist” accusation indicts an individual as a racist, sexist, or other “. . . ist” whose thoughts and/or acts discriminate on the basis of class membership. The self‐reflexively paradoxical structure of “. . . ist” accusations precludes refutation, but response is possible. Pragmatic and moral implications of alternative responses to “. . . ist” accusations are evaluated.

Quarterly Journal of Speech, Volume 66, 1980 - Issue 3. Brief provided by Taylor & Francis Online

In late 1989, I wrote to W. Barnett Pearce to discuss his work and how it might resolve problems that I was struggling with. Noting my struggles with accusations of ‘racism’ and ‘sexism’ - and having compassion! - he sent me this article, so on target and deft in the manner which it handled my concerns, that it demonstrated unequivocally that his was a discipline that I needed to be apprised of. Indeed, this article provided two of the most important clues for my WN advocacy. The first being that ‘race’ is (in an important regard) a matter of classification - at very least being treated as such by people who mattered, particularly by our foes, but also by our people, where they know what is good and necessary for them. Secondly, as the blurb above hints at, our antagonists can always shift its paradoxical structure to their anti-White agenda:

Viz., if you say, “no, I don’t discriminate based on race, sex, etc., I judge everyone on their individual merit”, then they can charge you with being disingenuous, willfully ignoring “the long history of discrimination, oppression and exploitation of these groups.”  But then, on the other hand, if you take the measure of saying, “ok, lets take that into account and use, say, affirmative action to help these groups into positions in which they are under-represented”, then you are classifying and discriminating thereupon, hence a racist by definition.

Along with that article, Pearce sent me another one regarding The Problematic Practices of Feminism: An Interpretive Critical Analysis, Communications Quarterly, 1984, with Sharon M. Rossi - which I found ironic, that being the exact name (same year as well) of the girlfriend of mine who drove me to psychic melt-down.

Anyway, the (very helpful) gist of that article, which I’ve noted several times before, is that within the context of liberal feminism, even a well intentioned man can always be put into the wrong:

You can always be treated as either a wimp or a pig, no matter what you do as a man.

If you try to treat her with deference, gentleness, help and respect, then you can be looked upon as a wimp and a condescending patriarch who does not respect her strength, agency and autonomy.

On the other hand, if you treat her as one of the boys, respecting her toughness and autonomy, then you can be looked upon as a pig, a male chauvinist pig, not respecting the special quality of her gender, but rather a male chauvinist pig, projecting the hegemony of your patriarchical world view over all and everyone.

* Note: while Pearce had compassion on me for what he might deem as unfair overcompensation on behalf of people of color, neither he nor his colleagues should be construed as “racists” nor endorsing my political activism and philosophical positions across the board - that would absolutely not be true.

And part of the problem of GW’s mis-assessement also stems from a STEM mentality, a predilection that he shares with Bowery, a predilection that essentially wishes that engineering, science and philosophy were practically the same endeavors. Not so much need for the “ought” corrections of the social world, we primarily need to find and describe what is, single out and fix any broken link. Compounding problems of STEM type predilections, is the head start this perspective has had through the internet, a STEM created medium to begin, amplifying this perspective (already amplified, as it tends to pay in the market, while social concern, not necessarily).

But it’s worse than that in terms of any concern for holistic philosophy and advocacy.

GW’s situation both as an ensconced Englishman and boomer who derived some benefit - economic and the satisfaction of free enterprise - from the other side of the controlled opposition from cultural Marxism - viz. some sort of “objectivism” - contributes to a confirmation bias that independent success of individuals and nations is basically a matter of freedom from all that superfluous and unnatural social advocacy stuff - which from his perspective on Jewish laden academia, is seen as possibly serving only liberalism and misdirecting notions of choice, where English emergence is the only legitimate default.

And it is worse still than that in terms of holistic, systemic philosophy in advocacy of our homeostasis, its recovery.

My learning comes not from visiting lecturers to the campus, Cornell West and the S.P.L.C.‘s Morris Dees - who spoke of his case to bankrupt Metzger for “vicarious liability” ..lectures brought on by the university to quell racial tensions being raised by I can’t imagine the likes of whom.

The luxury (compared to American Whites) of being able to say with stronger conviction, “here in my ancient homeland, with my people”, has afforded more confidence to double down on his STEM predilection and patch up a modernist, “natural” reaction (Modernity is also largely STEM in origin) to abuses of post modernism - and, he has received support in this reaction from other groups in reaction, groups that I’ve ousted from this platform and who, therefore, seek to bury the world view that I advance.

This has given GW more confidence than he should have in a modernist philosophy and a wildly inaccurate and disrespectful disposition toward what I bring to bear. Spontaneous reactions were brought out in me - in moments when I finally could not believe that he would stop trying to mute, minimize if not dismiss what I was bringing to bear.

Disconcerting though my spontaneous eruptions may have been to a tipping point in the level of utter disrespect for what I’d brought to bear by the very host of the site, I’ve taken solace in the fact that I was asked to take the site in a direction that I saw fit. I had and still have confidence that is fine for several reasons.

Through experience, I’ve come up with a philosophical framework to form the basis of advocacy for European peoples in coordination with other peoples and natural systems.

A major feature of my platform which gives me confidence is that it holds up and makes sense consistently of what is going on.

Despite that, another aspect that gives me confidence in my position is the fact that the notion of “correctability” - i.e., Praxis takes us into engagement with the input of others, where it is not only welcome - it is a built in requirement (particularly where it mirrors good will toward our group interests). This is “my ownmost innocence”, to turn Heidegger on his head for a moment.

Some people will try to say that because this platform rejects, for the most part, Christianity, Nazism, Jewish input, scientism (a susceptibility not only of modernists, but also neo trad types - incl. women who see beta males everywhere and see them as dead wood who need to be killed off) and wild conspiracy theories, that I am not open to input. That’s not true. These positions are rejected for what should be obvious reasons for those interested in fostering the interests of European peoples. And they have other places to go, whereas a WN platform that rejects these things exists only at Majorityrights.

My learning comes not from W.E.B. Dubois’s mulatto supremacism, which proposed that an African American “feminine man” who, in joining with the more “masculine” Teutonic would produce a common human/American civilization by a racial division of labor.”

But what many of those adhering to these world views have in common and have in common with GW, I believe, is that they are reacting to Jewish abuse - academia being the generating house of misrepresentations, gross distortions in theory of social organization and advocacy, which has become more and more blatantly anti-White social advocacy (it was blatant even thirty years ago).

I have called attention to GW’s autobiography, a significant part of which was formed in reaction to YKW academic abuses of social organization and advocacy.

I understand his reaction, as I have said, I went back to academia with the intent of pursuing a graduate career in defense of White men, not for any mere practical reason, but on the basis of foundational science.

GW said that I made the wrong choice to not follow up foundational science, and GW is wrong. While it is good and necessary for some of our people to study cognitive science, that is not what our advocacy and its philosophical underpinnings most require at this point - we are under attack psychologically, yes, but our concerns are deeper than that, we need more of a social perspective to look at the deepest problems, because we are under attack as a species, a group system, a race.

Now let me revisiit GW’s statment:

My advice is to treat everything you have learned in higher education exactly as you treat everything you have learned from Christian teaching, excepting only that, knowing of it, one might investigate the damage that it has visited upon the life of our race.  It is useful to analysis.  But do not seek to re-interpret and apply any part of it creatively to the European existential question. The philosophy of our peoples’ life has not yet been written.

While I can’t presume that his misrepresentation of where my knowledge comes from doesn’t come from the bad will of his business competitor world-view and/or the other antagonistic world views that spur him on, lets give him the benefit of the doubt for a moment and presume it is sheer misunderstanding - I will clear away the inaccuracies in his concept of where what I’ve learned comes from.

I spent the first three decades of my life learning from experience what it was like to be antagonized as a White man, without the backing of a particular group, not Italian, not Polish and certainly not as an English man in England. What I’m saying is that my racial circumstance was even more radical in its existential circumstance and requirement - the absolute need to understand what is requisite.


My undergraduate major was Fine Art, so even though my academic requirements at Tufts were comparatively minimal, happily for me, since that’s all that I could cope with, what Jewish influence there would not be heavily enmeshed in by me - again, because I could not process the liberalism that was only gaining in America at that time - given only ostensible reprieve by Reagan’s (((paleoconservatism))) - my response to liberalism and its advocacy in that moment was to take on a semblance of identity politics in Theory of Soviet Foreign Policy with an adviser to President Reagan (viz., with a non-Jewish expert on Soviet / Polish relations; true, the texts were (((Adam Ulam and Dimitri Simes))) but what was I going to do with this information anyway?); I took religion courses for my social requirements, trying to practice pure Christianity, but fortunately these courses planted the seeds that the bible might not exactly be the word of god, but the work of many all too human hands, and it was a phase that I would totally throw off once the stress of university was over.

Christianity had been the basic recourse that my family had shown me in response to liberalism (though it was not discussed, just go to church and Sunday school and shut up).

With the pain of the utter communicological confusion of my family and of that society, art, including the beauty of White women, was my first recourse in terms of sustaining motivation. Then when I realized in my undergraduate career that that was not going to be sufficient for a man trying to cope with the liberal world, I fell back on Christian religion to cope with my undergraduate academic years. I got through while embarrassing myself trying to defend that stupid religion against people with vastly superior resources to me. But to give myself credit, I did learn that it was not THE moral order and I moved on.

A major lesson I learned from academia was what a burden it was to be told what I was required to read. Once I graduated, it was a great moment of liberation - I not only had a key to learning, through erudition, but now I could read what I wanted and needed.

And I would later learn that without the solid guidance that a scholar can provide, that there could be a lot of wasted time reading material that was off the mark of what would be most incisively helpful.

So my field of inquiry and learning moved inefficiently from art, to religion and… the first subject matter that I started reading outside of university on my own was, of course, psychology. Carl Jung was first. Then some Jews, yes, Freud and Gestalt (Fritz Perls), Rollo May, most of it not very helpful but at least suggesting that there could be some empirical anchoring, means to self advocacy and guidance.

Then a truer learning experience as I read along these things at work, my first girlfriend, who would fly off the handle screaming at the suggestion that maybe she didn’t need to scream at me, that I was a nice guy, willing to work things out, despite the fact that I had a family that screamed at me (among other communicological pathologies), so I didn’t need more of it.

This caused me to see a psychologist as Sharon was a bitch (by her own admission and words) who was going to help inspire me by destroying my mind. In fact, when she sensed that I would be quite content to break up with her, she reappeared at my desk with hands clasped in a plea that I not break up with her - so she could really lower the boom and finish my mind off, so I would find.

I needed the psychologist very badly in order to try to keep it together.

During these few years in the mid 80’s, I gleaned a little something from Heidegger and took his advice, as I’d said, to put my perspective into a historical time line and this was when I began my critical revision of the Maslowian Hierarchy, seeing the significance of the hippies in relation to feminism, Maslow’s story of Actualization and its negative implication of modernity and the systemic runaway of the American project - a rupturing of the first and most essentially human perspective, social systemic homeostasis; and how this (((American story))) of ‘being all you could be in individual human potential in the land of opportunity’ was opposed to Aristotelian Actualization and its emphasis on optimality and human nature, to be augmented with a post modern furthering of his emphasis on the difference of praxis (social world) and its requirements in circulating inquiry of phronesis (practical judgment).

I’m getting a little ahead of myself.



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Guessedworker commented in entry 'KP interview with James Gilmore, former diplomat and insider from first Trump administration' on Wed, 08 Jan 2025 15:47. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'KP interview with James Gilmore, former diplomat and insider from first Trump administration' on Tue, 07 Jan 2025 23:12. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Trout Mask Replica' on Tue, 07 Jan 2025 21:54. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'KP interview with James Gilmore, former diplomat and insider from first Trump administration' on Tue, 07 Jan 2025 19:01. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'KP interview with James Gilmore, former diplomat and insider from first Trump administration' on Tue, 07 Jan 2025 18:35. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'KP interview with James Gilmore, former diplomat and insider from first Trump administration' on Tue, 07 Jan 2025 17:36. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Trout Mask Replica' on Tue, 07 Jan 2025 00:42. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'KP interview with James Gilmore, former diplomat and insider from first Trump administration' on Mon, 06 Jan 2025 12:57. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'KP interview with James Gilmore, former diplomat and insider from first Trump administration' on Mon, 06 Jan 2025 12:48. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'KP interview with James Gilmore, former diplomat and insider from first Trump administration' on Mon, 06 Jan 2025 03:50. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'KP interview with James Gilmore, former diplomat and insider from first Trump administration' on Mon, 06 Jan 2025 01:28. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'KP interview with James Gilmore, former diplomat and insider from first Trump administration' on Mon, 06 Jan 2025 00:08. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'KP interview with James Gilmore, former diplomat and insider from first Trump administration' on Sun, 05 Jan 2025 23:54. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'KP interview with James Gilmore, former diplomat and insider from first Trump administration' on Sun, 05 Jan 2025 23:04. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Aletheia shakes free her golden locks at The Telegraph' on Sun, 05 Jan 2025 13:24. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Aletheia shakes free her golden locks at The Telegraph' on Sun, 05 Jan 2025 13:02. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Aletheia shakes free her golden locks at The Telegraph' on Sun, 05 Jan 2025 00:45. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Former Putin economic advisor on Putin's global strategy' on Fri, 03 Jan 2025 23:55. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Trump will 'arm Ukraine to the teeth' if Putin won't negotiate ceasefire' on Mon, 30 Dec 2024 23:19. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Trump will 'arm Ukraine to the teeth' if Putin won't negotiate ceasefire' on Mon, 30 Dec 2024 22:50. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Trump will 'arm Ukraine to the teeth' if Putin won't negotiate ceasefire' on Wed, 25 Dec 2024 13:55. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Trump will 'arm Ukraine to the teeth' if Putin won't negotiate ceasefire' on Sun, 22 Dec 2024 01:03. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'The Indian/Chinese IQ puzzle continued for comments after 1000' on Sat, 21 Dec 2024 16:14. (View)

anonymous commented in entry 'The Indian/Chinese IQ puzzle continued for comments after 1000' on Fri, 20 Dec 2024 21:12. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Trout Mask Replica' on Thu, 19 Dec 2024 01:13. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Trout Mask Replica' on Thu, 19 Dec 2024 01:11. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Trout Mask Replica' on Wed, 18 Dec 2024 01:41. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Trout Mask Replica' on Wed, 18 Dec 2024 01:24. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Trout Mask Replica' on Sat, 14 Dec 2024 21:35. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Trout Mask Replica' on Sat, 14 Dec 2024 20:51. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Trout Mask Replica' on Sat, 14 Dec 2024 19:49. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Trout Mask Replica' on Sat, 14 Dec 2024 18:47. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Trout Mask Replica' on Thu, 12 Dec 2024 23:29. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'News of Daniel' on Thu, 12 Dec 2024 22:01. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'News of Daniel' on Thu, 12 Dec 2024 19:52. (View)

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